Join Active Students for free Lifting Club and Weightlifting sessions every Monday and Wednesday on de Havilland Campus.
Lifting Club and Weightlifting are our weekly mixed weightlifting sessions that take place in Hertfordshire Sports Village's Performance Gym.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to step into the gym to learn about the in's and out's of weight training from our professional staff trained in Strength and Conditioning and to be part of a great workout session.
Our staff are there to make sure that every participant is performing each exercise with the right technique to ensure everyone stays safe. They will assist you during your sessions and would be happy to answer any questions you have!
What are the benefits of Lifting Club/Weightlifting sessions?
When done with good technique and a solid plan like we provide at the Lifting Club/Weightlifting sessions, weightlifting has immense effects on your body. There are numerous studies indicating that not only does consistent strength training make you look better, it also improves joint and muscle health, stability and flexibility, providing long-term health benefits to your body. Furthermore, your posture weakens from sitting at a desk all day working or studying. Weight training strengthens certain muscles in your body which corrects your posture. Our staff have considered all of this and created workout plans to meet all of your body’s demands. There have also been many studies showing how engaging in physical activity in groups can improve mental health. Physical activity helps release feel-good hormones and that can improve your mood and give you more energy throughout the day.
Who can come along to the sessions?
Whether you are a beginner or have experience weightlifting, you can get involved. We welcome students from any background, fitness level and skill level to join us. Any questions you have about the session or if you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and our activators will be there to assist throughout the scheduled sessions.
What should you wear for the session?
All participants should wear comfortable, breathable athletic clothing and trainers to participate in the sessions. You must bring your UH student ID cards. Don’t forget your water bottle, too! It’s important to stay hydrated during your sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at Lifting Club/Weightlifting sessions every week!